PABC Ministry Teams

Our ministry teams are aligned with the five-fold ministry concept. Each has a different function, and collectively, they support growth, transformation, and the establishment of God’s Kingdom locally and worldwide.


Equips believers for effective, fulfilling ministry and for healthy Christian living. Education is essential for growth and the process of sanctification, where believers spiritually form and mature through the intentional and Spirit-led teaching of the Holy Scriptures and the principles of Jesus Christ. The end goal is to develop Spirit-filled believers who have a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and are ready to serve as agents of transformation wherever God leads them to serve. This ministry includes Bible Study, Sunday School, Pioneer Clubs for youth, History/Library ministries, and the Maise-Inman Scholarship ministry.


Promotes internal growth and builds fruitful external relationships through social and recreational activities; encourages disciples to actively engage in existing church organizations and ministries and support new/burgeoning ministries; provides compassionate care and critical connections through our Diaconate Family Care ministry. These ministry activities all aim to help disciples grow in grace and serve as agents of transformation.



Educates, equips, and encourages disciples to share the Gospel, and facilitates meaningful, diverse opportunities to bring non-believers to Christ. Through outreach, we seek to transform our neighborhood, our city, nation, and the world through the love of Jesus Christ by ministering to the entire person—body, soul, and spirit. These goals are accomplished through the following ministries: Women’s Missionary Union, Baptist Women, Brotherhood, Senior Adults, Transportation, Young Adults, and Youth.


Focuses on how we become better stewards/caretakers of the resources God has blessed us with. As such, this ministry maintains the churches assets and resources, which are God’s gifts provided for our continual growth and transformation, and for the furtherance of the Gospel locally and worldwide. This ministry include Trustees, Finance, Personnel, Security and Emergency preparedness.


Worship, Music, & Arts

Advances the total ministry of PABC by edifying the Lord, engaging new disciples, and exhorting believers in Christ. This ministry sets the atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to minister individually and collectively, and prepares each heart to receive the transformative Word of God, so that it will fall on good ground and bear much fruit. The atmosphere for worship is established through Music, Drama, Visual Arts, Dance, Audio/Visual, and our Ushers/Welcoming ministry.


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