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PABC purchased the adjoining lot on the corner of 30th and Pennsylvania Avenue from the Seventh Day Adventists.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the chapel, the first unit of the church, was held. A humble and thankful people entered a new place of worship the following year on Sunday, June 16, 1957. By this time, the church membership had grown to 265, and the Sunday School to an enrollment of 235. A motto had been adopted by the members of the church, “Building Together for God,” which was printed on all church bulletins, signs, and literature. The dedication service for the chapel was held on June 30, 1957.
Our prophetic future includes everything from permanently incorporating online and outdoor worship services, to building senior and affordable housing, grocery and retail establishments, medical services, restaurants, and more right here on our property! Our prophetic future envisions PABC as the heartbeat and hub of the community — a wellspring of spiritual, emotional, physical, and economic growth where children and teens can have a personal encounter with Christ, obtain their first jobs, and their parents and grandparents can live, shop, play and pray right here, in one location in their own neighborhood. This vision is affectionately known as “the City of Transformation.”
In 2020, is the “Year of Divine Establishment,” and God had empowered us to establish our online presence and began laying the groundwork for establishing our future growth. Our vision for the “City of Transformation” is a God-sized vision—it’s much bigger than us. We welcome your prayers and your participation if you feel God is calling you to be part of His vision for transforming our church, our community, our city, and the world through the love of Jesus Christ.
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